Tuesday, August 24, 2010

3D Scanning Downstream Applications: Inspection and Replication


While we also covered this as a type of process, inspections are a great use for 3D data, particularly for any types of manufacturing. Using our advanced laser scanning and reverse engineering tools and processes, Direct Dimensions can inspect and analyze your part or object in a variety of ways:

* Compare a scanned part/object to a "nominal" or intended design model
* Compare a scanned part/object to 2D drawing dimensions
* Compare a scanned part/object to another scanned part/object


While this will be covered in depth at a later time, Replication is one of the earliest and still most important uses for a 3D file. Using either 3D printing or milling processes, your digital file can be created as a physical part. After you have laser scanned or reverse engineered your part, there are virtually limitless options for replicating that object. Replication can be used for:

* Scaling in either direction
* Restoration
* Manufacturing Prototypes
* Making Products

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