Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Get a ShapeShot at SIGGRAPH 2011!

This year at SIGGRAPH the photo booth goes 3D!

Direct Dimensions Inc. will demonstrate the latest version of ShapeShot at SIGGRAPH 2011 in Vancouver. ShapeShot creates a 3D snapshot of your face. Users can share their face with friends via the online ShapeShot Gallery.

Along with the launch of new ShapeShot hardware, we've added an online store to the ShapeShot web site. Users in the ShapeShot gallery can purchase products including jewelry, a bust, and even an Easter Island head customized with their face. Users can access the store through their secure account at www.shapeshot.com.

If you are going to SIGGRAPH, make sure to stop by The Studio to see ShapeShot in action.

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