Monday, July 4, 2011

A Plethora of Patriotic Projects

Happy 4th of July!

At Direct Dimensions we've been lucky to have the opportunity to scan many important historical sites, monuments and artifacts in conjunction with the National Park Service and others.

Below is just a sampling of some of our more incredible projects:

The Liberty Bell / The Normandy Liberty Bell - DDI has had the privilege to laser scan Philadelphia's Liberty Bell on numerous occasions. The data we acquired during these scans has been used in several projects, including exact and modified replicas. In 2004, we were commissioned to help create a replica bell without the iconic crack to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the August 6th, 1944 D-Day invasion of Normandy Beach by Allied forces. Following a ceremony in Normandy, where the ringing of the Liberty Bell was heard for the first time in years, the completed bell was returned to the U.S. and now rests in Philadelphia.

The Lincoln Memorial – Two months after 9/11, Direct Dimensions laser scanned portions of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC for historical documentation of the ornate design. We were able to capture the marble sculpture of Abraham Lincoln himself, as well as the columns and engravings surrounding him. The scans were aligned together to produce an integrated digital model of the monument that can be used to exactly reproduce the original model.

The Maryland Statehouse – The Maryland Statehouse, built during the Revolutionary War and still in use today, was the site of George Washington's resignation as the Commander of the Continental Army. When the Statehouse underwent major renovations a few years ago, Direct Dimensions was called in to document the original brick of the Old Senate Chamber, where Washington once stood. The scans were aligned together to produce an integrated digital model of the room that can be used to exactly reproduce the original structure.

3D Animated Political Cartoons – Over the years at Direct Dimensions we have had a lot of fun working with renowned political cartoonist - Kal. We scanned his exaggerated clay sculptures, including George W. Bush, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to help him create interactive 3D animated political cartoons.

The Marine Corps War Memorial – The Marine Corps War Memorial, also known as the Iwo Jima Memorial, is located outside the gates of the Arlington National Cemetery. We were asked to 3D laser scan and image this iconic memorial. The final digital model resulting from the scan data can be used to recreate the memorial or even to create smaller replications of this famous image.

Haven't had enough of our patriotic projects? You can read about more below:

Lincoln Life Mask featured project
Walking in Washington's Footsteps Featured Project
Crazy Memorial Featured Project
Tomb of the Unknown Solider Featured Project


  1. Hi,

    are you willing to share your 3d model of the The Marine Corps War Memorial?


  2. hi, i'm really amazed by your scans, are you willing to share your model of Iwo Jima?

    best regards
