Wednesday, February 20, 2013

3D Imaging and Manufacturing Exhibited for Congressional Subcommittee

In the State of the Union Address President Obama singled out new technologies, specifically 3D imaging and 3D printing, as the future of American manufacturing. He highlighted the new Manufacturing Innovation Institute in Youngstown, Ohio and even called for 14 additional advanced manufacturing hubs as part of a National Network for Manufacturing Innovation.

National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Institute in Youngstown, OH
Direct Dimensions (along with RMI of Maryland and Towson University's Objet Lab) has had a busy couple of weeks demonstrating these important new tools to both state and federal lawmakers.

Why is Rapid Manufacturing important to our nation's leaders? One word: JOBS!

With the continued loss of manufacturing jobs in the United States, the introduction of rapid technologies, such as 3D imaging and printing, offer a beacon of hope for manufacturers and job seekers. The strength of these technologies lies in their ability to create and manufacture specifically designed parts on demand, often in very small batches. This is the opposite of the mass manufacturing jobs that are being sent off-shore.

With a focus on customizable on-demand manufacturing, 3D imaging, design and printing are set to revolutionize the aerospace, medical and consumer products industries. The value of the 3D printing industry is estimated to reach $5.2 billion by 2020. Obviously our policy makers would love to see that value stay in the United States.

And that is where Direct Dimensions comes into the picture. With over 17 years experience using 3D scanning, imaging, and design in the aerospace, automotive, and consumer products industries (among others) we are in a unique position to explain these amazing rapid manufacturing technologies.

First we traveled to Annapolis, where over 250 elected officials and state staffers attended an all day educational event about 3D scanning, imaging and printing technologies. We also demonstrated our ShapeShot face scanning system, capturing almost 200 faces.

Staffers and Officials at MD Statehouse line up for their ShapeShots

Then we were invited by Congressman John Sarbanes to demonstrate these technologies to the House Energy and Commerce Sub-committee at a "Manufacturing Showcase".

Congressman Sarbanes gets his ShapeShot

 The attendees were excited to see these much discussed technologies in action. We were honored to be asked to demonstrate them.

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