Thursday, April 15, 2010

Calls for Speakers and Papers

Two requests to announce:

CMSC announces a call for papers:
The Coordinate Metrology Society (CMS) is sponsoring its twenty-sixth annual conference in Reno, Nevada July 12 -16. The conference brings together measurement system users, developers, manufacturers, and researchers to present and discuss innovative applications, research, and technology developments/techniques of common interest. The CMS Committee is soliciting original papers with this Call for Papers on a broad range of innovative metrology topics.

To read more, click here.

SME Aerospace Measurement, Inspection, and Analysis conference announces a call for speakers:
With a special focus on manufacturing at all levels of the aerospace industry, this event will bring together a blend of technology updates, process optimization ideas, and case studies of others facing similar challenges. The program will consist of two days that can be attended as one whole event or as two single day events.
We invite you to take an active role in this cutting-edge program by sharing your knowledge and experience with current, new and potential users of the technology.
Abstract deadline is May 12, 2010.

Click here for more information.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

SME Video "Medical Applications of Rapid Prototyping" featuring Direct Dimensions

In conjunction with Juan Garcia of Johns Hopkins, we helped the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) produce a video showing the concepts of 3D imaging and rapid prototyping for fabricating custom prosthesis.

Click here to see the video.

The video highlights 3D scanning to help create prostheses and surgical guides, utilizing 3D technologies to aid medical illustration and even creating rapid prototypes with organic compounds such as tissue.

For more information on 3D scanning for custom prosthesis, please visit these other projects:
Hi-Res Prosthetic Hand
3D Scanning Helps Wounded Soldier


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Direct Dimensions, Inc. turns 15 years old today!


Monday, April 5, 2010

ShapeShot featured at GameTech 2010

Direct Dimensions' "ShapeShot" was featured by Orlando's Channel 13 news on March 29 at the GameTech 2010 military avatar conference.

Click for the news story and video showing the ShapeShot to avatar process.

For more information, also see, or contact us directly.
