In addition to a presentation on working with large sets of scan data, Michael Raphael will also be giving a talk on 3D scanning and modeling Airplane OMLs. If you are in the area, make sure to catch this presentation Wednesday afternoon (September 30).
3D Scanning and Modeling Processes for Reverse Engineering Airplane OMLs
Michael Raphael, Direct Dimensions
There are many reasons why firms need to model the exterior contour of existing aircraft OMLs (Outer Mold Lines). Most aircraft flying today were not designed in a modern 3D CAD program. Even with a current 3D digital design, the actual as-built contour deviates from the intended shape, at least at some level.
A wide variety of 3D measurement technologies and modeling software tools have been used for nearly 15 years to accurately capture and model these shapes for many different applications and purposes. This presentation will focus on the evolution of 3D scanning methods and processes through many examples, with emphasis on practical application, costs, schedules, deliverables, etc.
Having real-world customers who demand higher quality and lower price over time for this application, Direct Dimensions has continually searched for the best tools and methods for performing these projects. This experience and perspective will be freely shared with the audience in order to develop an appreciation for the selection of such tools for these projects.
For a full schedule of presentations click here.

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